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By March 2, 2013September 20th, 2023No Comments

Since 1838, the people of Milford Presbyterian Church have gathered together for worship, fellowship, and service. We call ourselves “the church on the corner” because we see our location as both a physical and a symbolic representation of who God has called us to be as a community of faith. Ultimately, our goal is to be a living expression of God’s kingdom of peace, love, and justice, offering the people of Milford a glimpse of what God is up to in the world. We’re not perfect—nowhere close—but we’re giving it our best shot because we believe that God started something incredible in Jesus Christ, and we want to play our part in that story as it unfolds around us.

The pages of this website will give you a taste of what’s happening in our life together, and we hope that you’ll look around. But more importantly, we hope to see you. Join us for worship, or a fellowship event, or a service project, and come be a part of what God is doing at the church on the corner.

Our Values

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