Sunday, March 25, after worship
For the purpose of approving the purchase of the property at 210 North Main Street
As the Finance & Facilities Committee and the session have been working toward a plan for our building over the last year or more, one consistent message that we have received from a variety of trusted, independent sources is that we must address our parking challenges if we have hopes of growing in membership and expanding our ministries. The Campaign Feasibility Review provided by John Laster also revealed this to be a very high priority for the members of the church.
The session has taken the first major step in this direction, entering into a contract to purchase the property just south of the church building, which will provide us with dozens of parking spaces.
The session will ask for the congregation’s approval of this purchase at the congregational meeting one week from Sunday. At this meeting, the full details of the purchase will be presented, along with our plan to pay for and manage the property. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share comments.
Please plan to join us on March 25 and be a part of this exciting step that we are taking as a church into the future that God is opening for us.